Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Photo a Day - #7 Playing in the Garden

I must admit I just love taking pictures of flowers. Must be my favourite subject!

This is not my own individual of my photographer friends (thanks for the idea, Mel! - be sure to check out her photos, they are fantastic!!) had taken some shots of flowers from below only using autofocus and got such good results, that I thought that I would also give it a go.

And I must say it definately does give some really amazing results. I just love the colours that resulted from the light filtering through the flower's petals.

There are some more of the these in the garden shots on my flickr page if you want to check them out.

Date taken 16/11/2010
F/7.1  1/125s  ISO-200
Focal Length 6mm


  1. Hey Michelle, thanks for the mention (and link). I'd seen the idea from another photographer, so there's probably no such thing as an original idea - but I do love that in photography, there are always so many ways of interpreting the idea and experimenting with your own shots.

    Nice shot above :)

  2. Thanks Mel
    I love your work so of course I'm going to direct people there. I hope you didn't mind

  3. Nope, I didn't mind - no problem at all :)
